I was born and brought up in a non-Christian family. From my childhood, my father was addicted to alcohol. He would beat my mother and he never showed any affection to me or any members of our family. He would torture us and never allowed us to smile. I was deeply wounded inside. When my mother got saved, all her children also became Christians. All of our relatives hated and rejected us.
When I was in the 4th grade, my father sent us all away from his house. Our mother went to work for daily wages and raised us. She continued sending us to school. She used to cry every day. She felt so sorry for us, because she could not buy the things we desired because of our poverty.
I hated my father because he never showed love to me. I could not forgive him. I was always crying for my sorrowful situation. While attending this Inner Healing meeting [Transformation class], I forgave my father for all that he did to us. I was able to understand that although all may forsake us, my God will never forsake me. He is always with me. A new hope flourished in me.
Before coming to this meeting, I had confusion, anxiety, anger, dullness, resentment and hatred. I also had the fear of death. I feared that something bad or some sorrowful thing could happen to any of my family members. I was suffering from depression. It was a heavy irrational burden that I carried. But, God really delivered me from all these problems. For so many years I was being tormented by the serpent spirit. But, I didn't realize the source of the torment before coming here. God revealed it to my mother, who was also attending the class here. The Lord reminded her what she did when I was 40 days old. While I was still a baby being fed by my mother, she went to a serpent idol to get healing from an insect bite. It was at that time that the serpent spirit entered me.
Because of this revelation from the Holy Spirit, we were able to understand the root of my problem. When I forgave my mother for what she had done, I was delivered from that serpent spirit. I also hated myself, but God helped me to get free from self-hatred. Many people in the class told me that they could see a great change taking place in me. God gave such comfort, peace and mercy. I thank Him wholeheartedly. I thank my Robert Daddy and Larry Daddy also. I love Jesus.